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The importance of cold chain warehousing in the food industry
 Hits:1157 AddTime:2023/12/5 10:47:14
The importance of cold chain warehousing in the food industry:
1. Basic principles of cold chain logistics
The basic principle of cold chain logistics is to regulate and control the temperature and quality of food in various stages from production to sales in a low-temperature environment. Requirements for cold chain logistics of fresh agricultural products:
(1) Timeliness during transportation. Throughout the entire logistics activity, from the collection, processing, packaging, loading and unloading of raw materials, to the transportation and distribution of products, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature control range throughout the entire process.
(2) Delivery timeliness. Due to the special nature of fresh agricultural products, timely delivery is required, which puts higher demands on the speed of delivery. The current fresh e-commerce market in our country is mainly operated in small batches, so the requirements for time are more stringent.
(3) Low cost and price. Compared to ordinary commodities, it requires lower labor costs, which is also its advantage. Because the transaction volume of fresh e-commerce is relatively high, its profit margin is also relatively high.
2. Characteristics of cold chain logistics for fresh agricultural products
At present, the development of cold chain logistics for fresh agricultural products in China shows diversified characteristics. Firstly, it is a cold chain logistics oriented towards production and consumption. Its main characteristics are short transportation time, low cost, low loss, less perishable, and high safety, but it also has certain risks. Secondly, it is refrigerated distribution centered around the origin market. Its outstanding advantage is that it can achieve low-temperature storage of agricultural products, thereby ensuring the quality and safety of food and satisfying consumer purchasing desires. Finally, third-party refrigerated trucks are the main logistics method. It has professional service capabilities, can provide full temperature control, and also has strict packaging requirements. In recent years, with people's pursuit of higher living standards, the demand for fresh products has also increased. At the same time, due to people's increasing health awareness, fresh e-commerce has developed rapidly and become a new incremental industry.
3. Classification of cold chain logistics for fresh agricultural products
One is frozen and refrigerated products. Fresh agricultural products need to be stored at low temperatures during transportation to ensure freshness. At this stage, the temperature requirements are relatively high, so the requirements for storage and transportation conditions are also higher. The second is perishable products. These types of items are usually stored in the refrigerator and have a short shelf life, so it is important to pay attention to preservation and preservation. The third is perishable quality products. These types of agricultural products have relatively low value and are easily affected by the natural environment, leading to losses. This type of agricultural product has multiple circulation links, high costs, and needs to be transported from the place of origin to the hands of consumers, during which the cost is also very huge; Meanwhile, the quality and safety issues of such agricultural products can directly lead to price increases.
Analysis of the Current Situation of Cold Chain Logistics for Fresh Agricultural Products
In China, the development of cold chain logistics started relatively late, but with the continuous development of the economy, people's living standards have improved and their attention to food safety has gradually deepened. The demand for fresh agricultural products is also increasing, and among them, the circulation of fresh agricultural products is the most important link.
Our country's cold chain logistics system is still in its early stages and lacks competitiveness in market competition. Therefore, in order to gain an advantage in fierce competition, it is necessary to have a complete, efficient, and modern cold chain logistics system. Although the total amount of agricultural production and consumption in China has been rapidly increasing in recent years, the seasonal and regional characteristics of agricultural products have led to significant price fluctuations. In addition, the perishable nature of agricultural products has raised higher standards for the timeliness of transportation; In addition, in order to ensure the quality and safety of products, consumers have also begun to pay more attention to the quality and freshness of fresh products, which greatly increases the cost of circulation.
1. Management status of cold chain logistics for fresh agricultural products
Due to the imperfect infrastructure construction of fresh agricultural product logistics in our country, the management level of cold chain logistics is low, resulting in high losses and low efficiency during transportation, which affects the quality of products. Enterprises lack professional cold chain logistics talents for fresh agricultural products. Some enterprises, in order to save costs, only focus on immediate benefits without considering long-term development issues, resulting in a generally low quality of the entire industry and inability to meet market demands.
2. Sales status of cold chain logistics for fresh agricultural products
From the sales channels of fresh agricultural products, they are mainly sold through supermarkets, agricultural markets, convenience stores, and small shops. Most farmers in our country engage in the cultivation and production of fresh agricultural products through family management. Due to the backwardness of rural infrastructure and the lack of professional technical personnel and experience, the agricultural development in these areas is slow or even stagnant. In many big cities, there are dedicated fruit and vegetable trading centers that can transport fresh fruits and vegetables to various retailers, greatly reducing transportation costs and losses.
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