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What is the main content of warehousing logistics?
 Hits:1336 AddTime:2023/8/24 18:16:33
The main content of warehousing logistics is to use self built or leased warehouses, venues, storage, storage, loading and unloading, transportation, and distribution of goods. There are also some other classifications of warehousing logistics in practice, such as storage type warehousing (reserve) and circulation type warehousing; Storage of production and living materials; Warehousing real estate and warehousing services, etc. Next, this article will briefly introduce the main content of warehousing logistics and the classification of warehousing logistics. Let's take a look together!
1、 What is the main content of warehousing logistics
Since the emergence of production activities, warehousing has emerged. It is an important component of production activities and develops with the development of production, going through different stages in its development process. With the rise of China's manufacturing industry, the logistics industry has also undergone rapid development. Warehousing is increasingly receiving widespread attention from manufacturers and society, greatly promoting people's research on warehousing theory and gradually improving its development. What is the main content of warehousing logistics?
Warehouse logistics refers to the use of self built or leased warehouses, venues, storage, storage, loading and unloading, transportation, and distribution of goods. The traditional definition of warehousing is given from the perspective of material reserves. Modern "warehousing" is not a traditional warehouse or warehouse management, but a warehousing in the context of economic globalization and supply chain integration, and is the warehousing in modern logistics systems.
2、 What are the classifications of warehousing logistics
Are warehousing and logistics unified? In fact, in daily life, different goods also correspond to different warehouses, so what are the classifications of warehousing logistics?
In practice, there are also some other classifications, such as storage type warehousing (reserve) and circulation type warehousing; Storage of production and living materials; Warehousing real estate and warehousing services, etc.
In terms of the actual situation and development trend of the warehousing industry, the significance of other classifications is no longer too great. Modern warehousing can use technology to classify within the warehouse, and at this time, warehousing logistics no longer needs to classify independently.
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