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    What should be done well in spring storage
     Hits:2828 AddTime:2021/4/1 11:25:49
    What should be done well in spring storage
    1. Sorting: it is to distinguish between what is needed and what is not needed in the company. Move the unnecessary things out of the workplace, centralize and classify them for identification management, so that only the necessary things can be kept in the workplace, and the workplace can be neat and beautiful, so that the staff can work in a comfortable environment.
    2. Rectification: it is to quantify, fix and mark the things that have been distinguished in front and are needed in the work site, and store them in the place where they can be obtained at any time when they need to use, so as to reduce the time wasted in searching for things.
    3. That is to make the workplace free of garbage and dirt, and the equipment free of dust and oil, that is, to clean the things that have been sorted out and straightened out and need to be used from time to time, so as to keep them in a state that can be used at any time. This is the first purpose. The second purpose is to see, touch, smell and listen during the cleaning process to find the abnormal source and improve it. "Cleaning" is to clean the surface and inside things.
    4. Cleaning: it is to maintain the clean state after sorting, rectifying and cleaning. More importantly, it is necessary to find out the root causes and eliminate them.
    5. Literacy: it means that all the staff participate in the work of sorting out, rectifying, cleaning, and maintaining a neat and clean working environment. In order to do a good job, we can formulate various relevant standards for everyone to abide by, and everyone can form the habit of abiding by the standards.
    6. Safety: it is to eliminate or prevent the source of safety accidents in the workplace.
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