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    What safety should be paid attention to in freight transportation?
     Hits:2741 AddTime:2021/2/24 10:56:40
    There are six factors affecting the safety of cargo transportation, including weather, loading, vehicle technology, road conditions, human factors and time
    1. Due to weather reasons, the light penetration is relatively weak in foggy days, the visibility interval is relatively close, and the accidents caused by untimely measures and misjudgment in emergency are relatively large. The foggy weather suddenly entered the foggy area. Adult vision is not clear, discrimination is not accurate, improper measures. Too good weather is also a factor inducing accidents, because the weather is easy to make people feel tired when driving on the highway, relax their vigilance and form traffic accidents.
    2. Load factor vehicle loading is also an important factor causing accidents. Overload loading, illegal loading and unreasonable loading are potential accidents. The standard loading of vehicles also has the problem of uncoordinated loading proportion, which is also a potential accident. Overloading, including overloading, over width, over length and over length, is a potential accident. Illegal loading refers to the transportation of non ordinary goods by ordinary means of transport, including some dangerous goods, chemicals, inflammables and explosives and other non ordinary goods.
    3. Vehicle technology today's vehicles are in good condition due to high speed. It puts forward higher requirements for vehicle safety. The power, brake, tire, transmission and steering of the vehicle shall be inspected and maintained regularly. Due to market demand, there are super long, super wide, super large and other non-standard models. Due to the nonstandard and nonstandard vehicles, there are many hidden dangers on the road.
    4. At present, the road condition is good, but there are design defects and constraints, which are also potential accidents. Accident prone sections are mostly ramps, curves and super long ramps. Long distance straight road is easy to cause people's visual illusion, which is also a potential accident.
    5. Human factors include physiological changes, psychological changes, physical changes and time changes, which are unstable with the change of the environment, because the change of the body's biological clock is also an important factor. Because most of the current regulatory requirements only require professional qualifications, but the vocational training for drivers is relatively small. Today's training does not focus on technology, but on theory and qualification certificate. However, in practical application, the requirement for technology is greater than that for theory.
    6. Time factor: people are prone to fatigue from 1:00 midnight to 5:00 am and from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. This is a period of high incidence of accidents. The key is to arrange the driving time and physiological time reasonably.
    The above is the sorting out of the factors affecting the safety of cargo transportation. The driver's own driving skill, ability to judge road conditions and psychological quality are more important prerequisites for safe driving. We should have a high sense of safety and drive in strict accordance with traffic regulations.
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