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    The importance of cold chain storage in National Day mid autumn peak season
     Hits:2947 AddTime:2020/9/27 16:20:15
    A sudden epidemic not only changed people's way of production and life, but also had an important impact on the whole national economic structure. Many characteristic agricultural product areas suffer huge losses due to the closure of villages, roads or inconvenient transportation. In order to avoid this situation again, the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, together with the Ministry of finance, launched the cold chain logistics construction project of agricultural products storage insurance, and arranged 5 billion yuan of central financial funds to support the new agricultural business entities to build, rebuild or expand the cold chain facilities of agricultural products such as storage and cold storage. What role does the cold chain storage system of agricultural products play in leisure agriculture?
    Cold chain storage system, including a wide range of production, storage, transportation, sales, to the various links before consumption. With the progress of science and technology and the development of refrigeration technology, it is constantly improved. In addition, consumers' demand for fresh agricultural products is increasing. The cold chain storage system is gradually developing towards the trend of informatization, networking, automation, globalization, integration and intelligence.
    The cold chain storage system of agricultural products, from a broad perspective, involves transportation, storage and monitoring, including cold storage, refrigeration units, ultra-low temperature equipment and refrigerated vehicles and other aspects; from a narrow perspective, it is the preservation, preservation and transportation of agricultural products. In leisure agriculture, characteristic agricultural products (industries) are the core of rural economic development. Only with products can there be industries, and with industries can there be development. Therefore, the role of agricultural products cold chain storage system in leisure agriculture is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
    1、 Perfect production system: transportation and preservation
    The production system of leisure agricultural products includes not only the cultivation, cultivation and picking of agricultural products, but also the feeding, nursing and extraction of animal husbandry products. It is the primary industry, but different from the primary industry of traditional agriculture. The increase of cold chain storage system of agricultural products can not only reduce the loss rate of agricultural products, but also extend the industrial chain and expand the sales scope. For example, adding cold chain storage system of agricultural products in leisure orchards can not only increase the fresh-keeping period of agricultural products, but also provide transportation services for picking tourists, increase added value and improve economic benefits.
    2、 Enhance the processing system: promote the role of deep processing
    Many leisure parks have large fruit area, but the output value is not high, and the farmers' income is less. The fundamental reason is that the rural fruit industrial structure has not been upgraded, either staying in the primary industry or the pure tertiary industry, lacking the integration of processing system. Therefore, the appropriate addition of cold chain system of agricultural products can not only accelerate the realization of crude processing of original agricultural products, but also form deep processing and increase the added value of agricultural products due to the extension of preservation time. For example, the cold chain storage system in leisure pastures can not only preserve fresh milk, but also produce a variety of dairy products, increase product types and expand brand influence.
    3、 Create tourism system: increase tourism and experience
    With the increasing importance of agricultural product safety, people pay more attention to "the whole production, processing and transportation system from farmland to dining table". Therefore, if possible, appropriately increase the sightseeing system of agricultural products cold chain storage technology, and teach or exhibit RFID, IOT technology or blockchain distribution monitoring system and related issues for tourists Knowledge can not only form an important research and education base, but also shorten the distance between products and consumers and increase the credibility of the brand.
    4、 Promote trading system: realize transportation and storage
    Different from other commodities, the seasonality or periodicity of agricultural products is not only affected by external factors such as artificial factors, but also by natural environment, climate conditions and other force majeure. Therefore, the cold chain storage system in the leisure agricultural products trading system is very important, which is one of the most mature technologies in the current agricultural products cold chain storage system, such as the well-known refrigerated trucks, refrigerated trucks, and so on Frozen logistics vehicles and so on.
    However, compared with these common and large-scale cold chain storage technologies from production to market, what will have an important impact on the transaction end of leisure agricultural products in the future is how to use the cold chain storage technology to transport perishable and perishable agricultural products to consumers. This is a technical challenge, and also an important issue that must be overcome if leisure agricultural products can really realize e-commerce in the future Bottleneck.
    Simple construction of cold chain storage system in leisure agriculture
    Cold chain is the high-end of the whole logistics industry, with a wide variety. Different cold chain storage systems have different construction and operation costs. Here, we only take the fruit cold storage system in the leisure orchard as an example.
    Leisure fruit from sorting, storage, processing, packaging to testing production line, involves many links, and effective cold chain basic links, mainly including picking cooling (pre cooling treatment), cold storage, refrigerated transportation, refrigerated distribution and sales.
    Fruit cold storage is mainly for fruit (food) frozen processing and refrigeration, therefore, fruit cold storage through artificial refrigeration, to maintain a certain temperature. Generally, it is cooled by a refrigeration machine. The liquid (ammonia or Freon) with very low gasification temperature is used as the coolant to make it evaporate under low pressure and mechanical control to absorb the heat in the storage, so as to achieve the purpose of cooling and cooling. Compressor and condenser are the main components.
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