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Together to unveil the mysterious veil of maritime security tax logistics center
 Hits:3834 AddTime:2018/12/20 8:41:18

      Have all the relatives heard the story of Alibaba and the forty thieves? There is a cave in the story where many treasures are stored, do you know? Haian also has a mysterious place, in the near future, it will "store" foreign imported "treasures". This place is called Bonded Logistics Center, a place where imports from all over the world come together.

      Jiangsu Hai Security Tax Logistics Center (Type B) is a joint acceptance team composed of  Nanjing Customs, Jiangsu Commissioner Office of the Ministry of Finance, Provincial State Tax Bureau and Jiangsu Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

      Bonded Logistics Center refers to a closed customs regulatory area and has port functions. It can be divided into two types: A and B. A-type bonded logistics center refers to the place under customs supervision, which is operated by legal persons of enterprises in China and specializes in bonded warehousing and logistics business, and B-type bonded logistics center refers to the place under customs centralized supervision, which is operated by a legal person of an enterprise in China and many enterprises enter and engage in bonded warehousing and logistics business with the approval of customs.

      9 functions

      Bonded Warehousing; International Logistics Distribution; Simple Processing and Value-added Services; Inspection and Testing; Import and Export Trade and Transit Trade; Commodity Display; Logistics Information Processing; Port; Export Tax Rebate into Logistics Center.


      Bonded Logistics Center (Type A)

      Definition: It refers to the place under customs supervision, which is operated by legal persons of enterprises in China and specializes in bonded warehousing and logistics business with the approval of the Customs. Bonded Logistics Center (Type A) can be divided into public logistics center and self-service logistics center according to its service scope.

      Public Logistics Center: Customs supervision and control place specializing in warehousing and logistics, operated by legal persons of enterprises in China, providing comprehensive services of bonded warehousing and logistics to the society.

      Self-use Logistics Center: Customs supervision and control place where enterprises in China operate as legal persons and only provide bonded warehousing and logistics services to their own enterprises or members of their own enterprise groups.

      Bonded Logistics Center (Type B)

      Definition: It refers to the customs centralized supervision place, which is authorized by the Customs and operated by a legal person of an enterprise in China, and many enterprises enter and engage in bonded warehousing and logistics business.

      Goods that can be deposited in logistics centres

      (1) Domestic exports;

      (2) Transit goods and international transit goods;

      (3) temporary storage of goods by foreign investors;

      (4) Import and export goods for processing trade;

      (5) Supplying materials and spare parts for maintenance of ships and aircraft on international voyages;

      (6) Parts and accessories imported for consignment for maintenance of foreign products;

      (7) Imported goods for general trade that have not completed customs formalities;

      (8) Other goods that have not completed customs formalities approved by the Customs.

      Logistics center business enterprises can carry out the following business

      (1) Bonded storage of import and export goods and other goods that have not completed customs formalities;

      (2) Simple processing and value-added services for the circulation of goods in stock;

      (3) Global procurement and international distribution and distribution;

      (4) Transit trade and international transit business;

      (5) Other international logistics operations approved by the Customs.

      In the early stage, bonded logistics center will rely on warehousing and focus on the development of warehousing and logistics industry. On this basis, it will expand the four functions of international transfer, international distribution, international procurement and international transit trade, promote the linkage development of local real industry and modern logistics industry. Bonded warehousing, Bonded Commodity display, bonded logistics, import and export business agent, customs clearance, information consultation will be promoted. Inquiry, network services, commodity distribution, e-commerce and so on are integrated. By combining the tangible market with the intangible market, we can develop the Chinese market for foreign enterprises, provide cross-industry, cross-regional, multi-functional, standardized and high-starting services, and provide comprehensive business development and business agents for domestic and foreign enterprises. In the near future, Haian people will be able to buy at home.
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