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Seminar on overseas suppliers' conference and intelligent bonded warehouse construction of bulk agri
 Hits:3364 AddTime:2018/11/20 9:36:02
On November 18, the Overseas Supplier Fair and the Seminar on Intelligent Bonded Warehouse Construction were held in our city. Vice mayor Zhang Yuanchun took part in the event.
Zhang Yuanchun delivered a speech. He introduced Haian comprehensively and thoroughly from its strategic position of economic development and the core influence of commercial logistics industry. He pointed out that the business logistics industry is an important part of modern service industry, a basic and strategic industry to support the development of national economy, and also a blood link to the real economy. He hoped that by taking the opportunity of the fair, experts from the logistics industry would be invited to give more guidance and support to the development of Haian's commercial and logistics industry, and more entrepreneurs would be expected to understand Haian and integrate into Haian to seek cooperative business opportunities and create a better future.
Participants visited the bonded logistics center, watched city promotional films and listened to the introduction of bonded operation. Representatives of overseas suppliers exchanged views on how to cooperate with maritime security tax to expand and strengthen large agricultural products distribution centers. The intelligent software developers' business representatives communicated with each other on how to build Haian intelligent bonded warehouse. (source: Haian daily)
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